Le Songe

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    Sora Zoltan (FF14)

    Le Songe
    Le Songe

    Messages : 241
    Date d'inscription : 07/01/2014

    Sora Zoltan (FF14) Empty Sora Zoltan (FF14)

    Message  Le Songe Lun 17 Oct - 21:13

    Sora Zoltan (FF14) Couple10

    Why Rya leave?

    Sora alone with no Rya, Sora emptiness.

    Sora lost with no Rya.

    Why Gods bring Rya see sky ?

    Why ?

    Lying against the cold and stiff body of her sister, she holds his cold hand, refusing to let her go. She was not ready to live without her, her twin, half of her life. How would she fill this huge void that creates Rya was giving her last breath? Sora fell asleep against her sister, giving her a kiss on the cheek, as inseparable before the tragedy. Separated by death she did not want, no, Rya was not dead, she was just sleeping. Rya is too strong to die. The small Sora fell asleep convinced that she had a nightmare.
    Le Songe
    Le Songe

    Messages : 241
    Date d'inscription : 07/01/2014

    Sora Zoltan (FF14) Empty Re: Sora Zoltan (FF14)

    Message  Le Songe Mer 19 Oct - 17:45

    Parfois la vie nous réserve des surprises qui peuvent changer le cours des évènements. Sora passa des jours peut être même des semaines sans bouger, attendant patiemment que la mort vienne la chercher. Elle avait les yeux fermés, son corps lié à la terre froide qui peu à peu semblait vouloir se refermer sur elle.

    C'est alors qu'un écho d'un son inconnu de ses connaissances. Elle ouvrit les yeux, il n'y avait rien. Croyant avoir rêver, elle referma les yeux. Quelques instants plus tard, un petit grattement à ses côtés puis un petit ''Kwik'' se fit entendre. Ce son fit sursauter Sora qui ouvrit de nouveau les yeux pour y découvrir une petite bête creuser la terre froide d'un début d'hiver. La bestiole aux grands yeux noirs la regardait en tremblant de froid et de faim. L'animal semblait petit, fragile, sans défense. Il s'agissait d'un bébé écureuil qui avait sans doute lui aussi perdu sa famille. Sora se redressa puis s’essaya pour observer l'animal qui deviendra rapidement son seul ami, sa raison de vivre.


    Sometimes life full of surprises that can change the course of events. Sora spent days can even be weeks without moving, waiting patiently for death to come and get her. She had her eyes closed, her body linked to the cold ground that gradually seemed to close in on her....

    Then an echo of an unknown sound knowledge. She opened her eyes but there was nothing. Thinking she dreamed, she closed her eyes again. Moments later, a little scratching at her side and a small '' Kwik '' was heard. The sound startled Sora opened her eyes again to discover a little beast digging the cold ground of an early winter. The little thing with big black eyes looked trembling with cold and hunger. She seemed small, fragile, helpless. It was a baby squirrel that had probably also lost her family. Sora stood up and then tried to observe the animal that quickly became her only friend, her reason for living.

    Sora Zoltan (FF14) 01ardi10
    Le Songe
    Le Songe

    Messages : 241
    Date d'inscription : 07/01/2014

    Sora Zoltan (FF14) Empty Re: Sora Zoltan (FF14)

    Message  Le Songe Ven 21 Oct - 20:54

    Sora Zoltan (FF14) Symbol10

    Once upon a time ... a young kit who was walking in the woods with her grandfather, a wise old man. The young kit was very angry against a friend who had been unfair to her. Old Sage listened attentively and answered:

    I understand my daughter, sometimes I also sometimes feel angry feelings against those who misbehave and do not seem to feel any regret ...

    But you know, hatred, anger, and this kind of feeling exhausted and you do not hurt your enemy. It's like swallowing poison and wish that your enemy die ... I have often fought those feelings, he said ...

    You know, there are big fights within each of us. There are two spirit in us: a white coeurl and a black dragon. The white coeurl is good, looking for love, harmony, he fights only when it is right to do and he does it fairly.

    And there is also another spririt within us, a black dragon. This one, he is full of anger, hatred, anxiety and even anger. He fights against anyone all the time for no reason. He can not think because his anger and hate are too huge. Sometimes it is so difficult to live with his two spirits inside yourself, because both want to dominate our minds...

    The little girl looks at her grandfather and asked:

    But Grandfather which of the two spirits will win?

    And the wise old man smiled, looking into her sylvery eyes and replied slowly:

    The one you feed.

    Le Songe
    Le Songe

    Messages : 241
    Date d'inscription : 07/01/2014

    Sora Zoltan (FF14) Empty Re: Sora Zoltan (FF14)

    Message  Le Songe Lun 7 Nov - 21:55

    Nothingness and life

    Gun pointed at her, the man asked in a cold, menacing voice: What do you see?

    She calmly replied: I see ... a red glow in the distance ... I hear the song of a fiery bird flying with its wings embers, igniting everything in its path. Then dead silence ... the oppressive darkness and agonizing. I see ... death ... but also rebirth.

    She put her silvery eyes on him and asked him in return: The void is the absence of life ... you are alive, how can you sincerely wish the void?

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    Sora Zoltan (FF14) Empty Re: Sora Zoltan (FF14)

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 4 Nov - 18:15